Missoula Children’s Theater

A week long residency starring 50-60 local children, grades 1-8, in a full-scale musical!

Save the Date

July 8-13 2024

Grades 1-8
A week long residency staring 50-60 local children in a full-scale musical

Monday, July 8
11:30 am
Watford City High School Theater

Tuesday, July 9-Friday July 12
11:30-4 pm
Watford City High School Theater
Please Pack Lunch

All children of all ages are welcome to attend these workshops free of charge, regardless of if they are participating in the show.
Intro to Acting | Tuesday: 10:30 am – 11:15 am
Improv | Wednesday: 10:30 am – 11:15 am
Behind the Scenes | Thursday: 10:30 am – 11:15 am
All workshops at the Watford City High School Theater

Friday, July 12 | 7 pm
Saturday, July 13 | 10 am
Admission: FREE WILL
​Watford City High School Theater

Participation is FREE for all children, but due to high turnout of participants, a role cannot be guaranteed for each child. Each child is welcome to participate in the workshops throughout the week regardless of whether they are in the show.

Pre-Register to help us with names and contact information.

Questions? Call Jessie at 701-770-8659 or email longxart@gmail.com

Thank you to the following businesses and organizations for supporting this program for 2024