Art, Craft & Food Vendor Registration Form
July 13, 2024 10 am – 5 pm Tourist Park
Please read carefully before submitting your registration
Formulario de Inscripcion Arte en el Parque en espanol
The Long X Arts Foundation would like to invite you to showcase your arts and crafts at the HOMEFEST ART IN THE PARK on Saturday, July 15, 2023 from 10 AM-5 PM in the Tourist Park in Watford City. In addition to the outdoor event, we are offering an opportunity to sell and display your art in the Gallery of First International Bank on Main Street if you’d prefer an inside space. The purpose of this event is to celebrate North Dakota artists and provide an opportunity for artists and makers to show and sell their work. We also want to create a space for guests to have the opportunity to create art and encourage demonstrations from our registered artists. We are only hosting artists, crafters and food vendors
EVENT TIME AND SETUP: Art in the Park will run from 10 am to 5 pm on Saturday, July 13, 2024. Set up will take place between 8-10:45 AM. Please check in at registration for your space assignment. Details for parking and unloading your supplies will be provided closer to the event.
Art and craft vendors will have the option to showcase their work indoors in the First International Bank Gallery area for an additional fee or bring their canopy and set-up materials (tables and chairs) outside at the Tourist Park.
Gallery space is limited, so register ASAP to reserve your space.
Gallery Space: $50 per table 10×10 space (table and two chairs included)
Outdoor Tourist Park Space: $25 for 10×10 space (bring your own canopy, tables and chairs)
Food Vendor Space: $50 per 10×10 space (bring your own canopy, tables and chairs)
Food Truck Space: $50 per 10×10 space
All park registered artists and food vendors will be showing and selling the Tourist Park.
If you need electricity, please indicate on the registration form. Electricity cannot be guaranteed, but we will work with you as much as we can to accommodate.
SELLING YOUR WORK/FOOD: Change/cashbox/receipts and anything needed to make a sale/transaction on the pieces you wish to sell is your responsibility. Artists and Food Vendors are responsible for managing own sales and retain 100% of sales made.
INCLEMENT WEATHER: This is a rain or shine event and the Long X Arts Foundation is not responsible for items damaged due to weather. Safety of weather is at the artists’ and vendor’s discretion. If a rain plan is needed, it will be decided by 7 am on the day of the event. Rain plan will be held in the Civic Center
DEMONSTRATIONS: The Long X Arts Foundation supports any effort to spread art education to our community. If you wish to provide an art demonstration or activity for the public, please contact us to make arrangements. We will provide supplies or funding for supplies. We are also interested in artists willing to do a quick draw, where you paint or draw a piece during the event and it’s later auctioned off as a fundraiser for our organization. If this is something you’re interested in, contact Jessie at longxart@gmail.com or 701-770-8659
Art in the Park Art/Craft/Food Application 2024
Payment must be made in advance to secure your spot.
Or send check made payable to Long X Arts Foundation at
PO Box 126 Watford City, ND 58854
*All payments must be received prior to the event in order to reserve your space.*
Long X Arts Foundation
Jessie Scofield, Director
Long X Visitor Center
100 2nd Ave SW
Watford City, ND 58854