A free opportunity to learn a new language. Classes are one hour conversational instruction in both English and Spanish.
Badlands Ministries hosts this free educational opportunity.
12 week class:
Every Thursday, 6 – 8 PM in the Rough Rider Center Classroom
February 9 – April 27
Class size is limited, priority in the order registered.
Classes will consist of one hour of conversational instruction in both Spanish and English (divided) During the second hour of the class, both groups will come together for an activity (discussion, games, art project, etc) to practice speaking together.
Registration forms are available below and can be picked up and submitted at the Bakken Oil Rush Thrift Store, Rough Rider Center and the Welcome Desk at First International Bank on Main Street.
Questions contact:
Melanie (English) at 701-339-6188 or Juanita (Spanish) 970-388-4719