Come and paint these cute Dala Horses with us during the Sons of Norway’s Syttende Mai Celebration featuring Scandinavian treats! Syttende Mai is Constitution Day, the national day of Norway officially observed on 17 May each year. We celebrate Scandinavian heritage by helping you paint this 12 inch wooden Dala Horse in the traditional rosmaling style of the region.
A Dalecarlian horse or Dala horse is a traditional carved, painted wooden statue of a horse originating in the Swedish province of Dalarna (Dalecarlia).
Rose-painting/rosemaling, is a Scandinavian decorative folk painting that flourished from the 1700s to the mid-1800s, particularly in Norway. In Sweden, rose-painting began to be called dalmålning for the region where it had been most popular, but in Norway the old name still predominates beside terms for local variants. Rose-painting was used to decorate church walls and ceilings. It then spread to wooden items commonly used in daily life, such as ale bowls, stools, chairs, cupboards, boxes, and trunks.