Closing Reception
Join us for a special reception to meet Marilyn and explore the gallery. Bring the kids to make fairy wings!
Refreshments and snacks
Saturday, October 28
1-4 PM
Long X Arts Gallery
Androit Enchantment
Marilyn Niewoehner is an artist who is well-known for her works in many mediums, but it is her expressive modern art paintings in watercolors, oils, and pen and ink that bring out some of her most dynamic creations.
Drawing on her home economics BS, she first started her artistic journey playing with color and texture on her sewing machine, thereby turning textiles into works of art.
In 2013 she picked up a paintbrush and started experimenting with watercolor, acrylic and pastel. She finds her greatest freedom of expression with watercolor and pen and ink.
Her early introduction to creating art for the pure pleasure of it was from her mother. Her mother was an artist, and Marilyn would come home from school to see a wondrous painting her mother had created that day. In her experience, she thought that’s just what all mothers do. It wasn’t until high school that she learned not all mothers paint in the afternoon!
With a nod to her mother, Marilyn continues to bring beauty to the world with her avant-garde touch.