Join the Long X Arts Foundation and Watford City Chamber of Commerce as we host our third Outdoor Family Movie Night featuring the movie LUCA!
Dance party, free art activities, facepainting, games, sidewalk chalk, treats, popcorn and more!
In the open lot between Door 204 and RE/MAX Bakken Realty
Art activities, facepainting, treats and games start at 6:00 PM
Movie starts at dark 8:00 PM (sunset)
Bring your blankets and lawn chairs or, for extra fun, have your child decorate a cardboard box as a car to sit in to pretend they’re in an old drive in movie!
*All children must be accompanied by an adult or responsible caregiver*
Need help and supplies for the cardboard car? Bring your cardboard box at 6:00 and we can help you make it.